How it works

A child seat can only be used when the child can sit safely on its own. Children can be transported in a small child seat on the front of the bike (head tube); most child seats, mostly larger, are attached to the seat tube or luggage rack. There are diverse possibilities of installing a child seat, please note the respective manufacturer’s specifications.

Child seat at the front

If the child rides along in a child seat at the front of the bike, it has a clear view of the surroundings and can easily communicate with the cyclist during the ride. Most child seat models are attached to the head tube. The child’s weight must not exceed 15 kg. Some manufacturers offer a windshield that also protects against rain and insects.

Child seat at the back

Should the child be taken in a child seat behind the cyclist, the seat is attached to the seat tube or to the luggage rack. Luggage bags can still be used with the aid of a luggage rack extension. The child’s weight must not exceed 22 kg.

Belt system

Child seats have a belt system to buckle up the child and a leg protection to prevent the child’s feet from getting caught up in spokes during the ride. It is important to ensure that the child cannot open the belt by itself. In the event of an accident, the child falls just like the cyclist. In most child seats its body is well protected.

Children should always wear a helmet and never sit in the child seat unsupervised!

Kick stand / steering damper

Instead of the normal and often rather unsteady stand, a bipod or rear stand is advisable so that the bike has a stable position when the child is seated or lifted out of the seat. A steering damper (see picture on the right) can improve the stability of the front wheel. When the bike is on a bipod stand, this prevents the handlebars from bumping into your back while you place the child in the rear child seat. Ask your local bike shop for advice.

Purchase child seats in specialised bike shops

Child seats should not be ordered or bought blindly. Depending on the bike frame and wheelbase, unexpected problems can occur, and the seat might not fit the bike. It therefore makes sense to seek advice from a bike shop. It is best to take your bike with you, so that it can be determined right away which seat is suitable and how it needs to be attached. Child seats are available at prices between 30 and 150 euros (as of July 2018).

Pros/Advantages of a child seat

A child seat has low acquisition costs in comparison to a trailer or cargo bike. It is way more space-saving and requires considerably less effort when pedalling due to its lower pull weight. Also, different bicycles can be used as a “horse” if they are equipped with the corresponding seat adapter.

Bicycle trailer, cargo bike and child seat in comparison


Bike trailer

  • If necessary, the trailer needs to be assembled and coupled to the bicycle before setting off
  • Flexible use for couples, so that the trailer can be stored at the place of care

Cargo bike

  • Spontaneous departure / trips possible, no assembly required

Child seat

  • If necessary, the seat needs to be installed before leaving
  • Flexible use for couples, so that the child seat can be stored at the place of care


Bike trailer

  • Befestigung von Babysitzen und -hängematten am Gestell meist leicht möglich
  • Nutzbar für fast alle Fahrräder
  • Federung sinnvoll und modellabhängig erhältlich
  • Beleuchtung am Anhänger ist Pflicht, da das Fahrradrücklicht verdeckt wird
  • Gurtsystem in allen Modellen vorhanden

Cargo bike

  • Befestigung von Babysitzen und -hängematten meist nur mit Sonderausstattung möglich
  • Federung sinnvoll und modellabhängig erhältlich
  • Gurtsystem in den meisten Modellen vorhanden

Child seat

  • Gurtsystem und Beinsicherung sind Standardausstattung
  • Nutzbar für fast alle Fahrräder
  • Federt, je nach Modell, automatisch


Bike trailer

  • Das Kind sitzt hinter der Fahrerin/dem Fahrer
  • Blickkontakt mit dem Kind während der Fahrt nur über einen Rückspiegel möglich

Cargo bike

  • Je nach Modell Blickkontakt zum Kind
  • Kommunikation mit dem Kind während der Fahrt möglich

Child seat

  • Das Kind sitzt je nach Modell vor oder hinter der Fahrerin / dem Fahrer
  • Kommunikation mit dem Kind während der Fahrt möglich


Bike trailer

  • Nahezu unverändert im Vergleich zum normalen Radfahren ohne Anhänger

Cargo bike

  • Deutlich verändert, je nach Lastenradtyp sehr verschieden

Child seat

  • Verändert


Bike trailer

  • For weather and theft protection a lockable storage room accessible without stairs is recommended
  • Flexible storage due to the foldability of the trailer, also possible in the apartment
  • Weather protection available for occasions when the trailer is parked outside

Cargo bike

  • For weather and theft protection a lockable storage room accessible without stairs is recommended – a cargo bike is often too heavy to carry
  • Weather protection available if the cargo bike is parked outside

Child seat

  • Requires the same space in width as a conventional bicycle
  • Weather protection available if the child seat remains outside on the bike

Useful accessories

Bike trailer

  • Handbrake when using as a stroller and/or jogger
  • Bipod or rear kick stand for stable stand of the bike
  • Flag for better visibility in traffic

Cargo bike

  • Electric assist

Child seat

  • Bipod or rear kick stand for stable stand of the bike
  • Depending on the model, the seat can be tilted when the child is asleep


Bike trailer

  • Average acquisition costs, about 150 to 1,400 euros (as of July 2018)

Cargo bike

  • High acquisition costs, about 1,000 to 6,000 euros (as of July 2018)

Child seat

  • Low acquisition costs, about 30 to 150 euros (as of July 2018)